Les Amis de Sorde et du Pays d'Orthe

The association aims to promote history, culture and local heritage through conferences, exhibitions, guided tours, active participation in Heritage Days.

Contact : amis.de.sordegmail.com

Pouillon Culture et Traditions

Musical, folk and heritage activities. Highlighting the Chalosse de Pouillon and its activities through the discovery of its terroir.

Contact : +33 5 58 98 38 93

L'Atelier du Mot

L'Atelier du mot brings an innovative cultural offer in the Vallée du Kiwi. She concentrates her objectives around words and literature, with meetings, talks and performances of small forms and initiates artistic, cultural, educational and social actions.

Contacts : +33 6 80 20 50 28 - latelierdumotposteo.net - https://latelierdumot.org

Le Centre Culturel du Pays d'Orthe en Gascogne

Discovery of documentary and archival material, publications, book day, talks, conferences, plant day.

Contacts : +33 5 58 73 06 02 - aortenses@wanadoo.fr - https://www.centrecultureldupaysdorthe.com

Les Amis du Carcoilh

Association loi 1901 organizer of the festival "La Parade des Cinq Sens" on July 13 and 14 in Hastingues. Festival of street arts shows, concerts, tales, animations young public with actions Renaissance’Sens upstream of the festival on the territory.

Contacts : parade5sens@hotmail.fr - https://www.laparadedes5sens.fr

CPIE Seignanx et Adour

This associative structure develops actions around three areas of action: awareness, training and education to the environment; support of territories in sustainable development approaches; naturalist expertise

Contacts : +33 5 59 56 16 20 - contactcpie-seignanx.com - http://cpie-seignanx.com

Chœur d'Hommes du Pays d'Orthe "Lous Gaouyous"

Le Chœur d'Hommes du Pays d'Orthe est actuellement composé de 30 chanteurs unis par l'amitié, l'amour du chant à cappella mais aussi très sensible à la communion spontanée avec ses publics de passionnés.

Contacts : +33 5 58 73 14 33 - gaouyousgmail.com - http://gaouyous.blogspot.com

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