A day to discover our heritage!


Program : 

10a.m : Visit the l'Abbay of Sorde, an old Benedictine abbey founded in the 10th century, which houses superb Romanesque mosaics and an amazing cryptoportic.

12.30a.m : Lunch at the Auberge de l'Abbaye, located on a small charming square in the village of Sorde l'Abbaye. Menu Terroir or Gastro menu, it’s up to you!  

14.30p.m On board the Coursic, take a 2-hour ride with Adour Loisirs from Bayonne to discover the Adour and its most beautiful river landscapes. Castles, islands, dikes, you will be amazed!

Price :  

From 62€ per person. Offer valid from 15 March to 15 November.

Info and Review : 

Contact Hélène Voisin now at or 05 58 73 00 52

Useful documents: 

Fiche de présentation de la journée Le temps s'écoule

Conditions générales et particulières de vente

Suivre nos actualités

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