A day to discover our know-how! 


Program : 

10a.m :Visit one of our two emblematic sites, we let you choose between La maison du saumon, to learn everything about the salmon of the Adour, and Le sabot des Landes, where Claude opens the doors of his factory.

12.30a.m : Lunch at the Ferme de Beleslou. This is the place to be to discover local cuisine.

14.30p.m - 16.30p.m : visit of the Moulin de Bénesse, unique windmill of the Landes. Be surprised by the breathtaking panorama of the Chalosse and the Pyrenees.

Price :  

From 49 € per person. Offer valid all year.

Info and resa : 

Contact Hélène Voisin now at or 05 58 73 00 52

Useful documents: 

Fiche de présentation de la journée savoir-faire

Conditions générales et particulières de vente

Suivre nos actualités

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